Thanks to your Hi Flanders membership, you enjoy benefits elsewhere in the world. Find out what's included here. Welcome to our community of travelers!
With the largest hostel network in the world, you're in the right place
Take advantage of numerous discounts at home and abroad:
10% discount
With Busbud, you can easily book bus and train tickets in your preferred language, pay with your own currency and explore the world sustainably.
10% discount
Discover Cars makes it easy to book a rental car for your trip. Enjoy reliable service, with free cancellation up to 48 hours before pickup, and no hidden fees.
Through Freetour, you can find and book tip-based guided tours all over the world. The tours are available in more than 120 countries worldwide.
5% discount
World Nomads travel insurance is designed for globetrotters, and covers things like medical expenses, evacuation, luggage and lots of adventurous activities.
25% off
With its special anti-theft clothing, Clever Travel Companion ensures your money and important travel documents are kept safe. Made by and for travelers.
Bounce is the largest luggage storage network. You can leave your luggage at a Bounce location and explore the city with peace of mind, knowing your belongings are safe!
10% discount
Are you leaving for a longer period abroad or did you buy a little too many gifts? With Eurosender you can send packages inexpensively within Europe.
30% off
The NoFilter app helps travelers discover the world's most beautiful photo locations.
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2050 Antwerpen
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